Jed Powell is a live-jury coutroom specialist. Conversational. Quick-on-his-feet. Strategic.

Jed got this way by not following a typical path on his way to becoming a lawyer.

Out of high school, Jed worked on the docks in the major Northwest shipping port of Tacoma, WA, as a C-card longshoreman; as the night manager in a local gas station; as a construction worker on marine facilities; and then on to the UK where he worked for the prestigious insurance brokerage firm Llowndes Lambert, spending two months working on the floor at Lloyds of London learning about international marine insurance brokering.

Jed returned to the States and took a job on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline as an Operating Engineer with Local 302. After two years of operating heavy machinery up and down the pipeline, Jed decided to go to college, continuing to work on the pipeline during summer breaks.

By this time Jed knew he needed a college degree to move further ahead. As he pursued higher education, he remained true to his industrial calling, working during the summer as a heavy equipment operator in the logging industry and on the Alaska Pipeline, and then as an operating engineer and member of Union 302.

All of this instilled in Jed a strong work ethic, and a grounded perspective on how the world of business and industry works.

Married in college during the late 1970's, and with two children, Jed attended law school working two jobs for the duration. After graduation, Jed worked for the Pierce County Prosecutor assigned to a felony desk, handling drug, vice and prostitution cases. After trying dozens of cases, Jed accepted a position as one of two Judicial Law Clerks to the Honorable Jack Tanner in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington. Two and a half years later, Jed moved back to London to hone his international legal skills, primarily focused in marine insurance, working as the equivalent of a solicitor in the English law firm Elborne Mitchell. A year and a half later, Jed was hired by the Seattle law firm, Lane Powell Moss and Miller. Lane Powell seconded Jed to the English firm Richards Butler for another year. In 1987, Jed returned to Seattle working another several years as a partner at Lane Powell.

At Lane Powell, Jed litigated and tried large, complex cases all over the country. Jed was then recruited by Stafford Frey Cooper, where he became Managing Partner for five years — gathering valuable experience in directing highly effective people in a fast-paced environment. In 2006, Jed moved to Cairncross & Hemplemann where he remained as partner for nearly a decade. In 2015, Jed started his own firm where he is now focusing on helping victims, be they individuals or corporations.

“In the UK I learned about insurance law, and even more about humility. It was hard to grasp just how much I did not know back then,” says Jed. “At Lane Powell I learned that I was good in court. They provided me the opportunity to work on significant cases which were tried all over the country in front of live juries. At Stafford Frey, while continuing to try cases, I learned about managing people and running the business side of a firm. All of these experiences, combined with my God-given talents for connecting with people, have refined me, and equipped me to truly stand up for justice, and help those who have been wronged.”

Jed is a Proctor (senior member) of the United States Maritime Law Association, a member of Washington State Trial Lawyers Association,  the National Trial Lawyers Association, and the Washington State Bar Association.

Jed is a Fellow with the Litigation Counsel of America; a member of the National Trial Lawyers Association (Top 100 Trial Lawyers); a member of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America; and an Eagle Member in the Washington State Association of Justice.

The American Society of Legal Advocates has recognized Jed as one of The Top 100 Litigators in the State of Washington, and in 2020 he was designated on of America’s Most Honored Lawyers.